
Honouring Your Cycle

Honouring your Cycle Like everything else in nature our bodies and lives flow in rhythms and cycles. When we are in tune with our body's rhythms and cycles we flow gracefully through our experiences, our health is good, and our relationships steady, while any disturbance in our natural order typically results in disharmony and dis-ease. [...]

More than a stretch: Yoga benefits may extend to the heart

POSTED APRIL 15, 2015, 4:26 PM , UPDATED FEBRUARY 28, 2017, 9:48 AM Julie Corliss Executive Editor, Harvard Heart Letter As a long-time yoga enthusiast, I am always happy to hear about benefits newly attributed to this ancient practice. Doing yoga for a few hours each week helps me feel calmer and more balanced, both physically [...]

Improve Your Sports Performance! Yoga As A Cross-Training Activity

By Christa Norgren  Posted April 3, 2018  In all things human, guest posts Have you ever wondered what will improve your sport performance or prevent sport-related injuries? Doing more of our desired activity may seem like the obvious answer. For example, if we want to improve performance in swimming or running, then to do more swimming or running would [...]

A Surprise From A Student Now Living in New York

Hi John I hope you’ve been well. The new website looks great! It’s been difficult to find grounding again since I came back from London a month ago. Normally yoga would be a practice that would provide me with this. The studio I’m living in currently is a shoebox which I can barely fit a [...]