Hi John

I hope you’ve been well. The new website looks great!

It’s been difficult to find grounding again since I came back from London a month ago. Normally yoga would be a practice that would provide me with this. The studio I’m living in currently is a shoebox which I can barely fit a yoga mat in so my own practice has been non-existent. This has led me to seek out studios in the area. All of which have brought mixed experiences.

Long story short, I wanted to thank you for being such an amazing yogi inspiration and instilling me with a solid foundation and grounding.

Since moving here, I’ve experienced many yoga classes with a variety of teachers. Each one of them bringing a new perspective to practice. Recently, I went to one class that just simply didn’t resonate. In fact, I was clock watching from about 20mins in.

In part, this was my fault for choosing a class that didn’t challenge me. But also because I had no faith in the teacher and my respect for them rapidly declined. The one thing I did learn was that sometimes you just find the right teacher-student-class connection where these elements combine to deliver a unique chemistry. Furthermore, you don’t really realise this until you’re in a class situation where you don’t have that same connection. The more yoga classes I do over here, the more I appreciate that you John, are one of a kind! *Gratitude*
